rotor tips ('romeroUK')

(from romeroUK's Muller Dynamo replication notes, as posted on


The magnets are 2cm diameter with 1cm thick, not very sure about the grade, I think are N38

all magnets are same pole facing up

All magnets on the rotor are all pointing same direction, as you look at the device all magnets are with South up.

I think that if I have 8 magnets on the rotor and any other greater uneven numbers of coils will work even better.
What I found durings some tests is that we need to have good spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor.The OFF time for the coils must be much greater than the ON time, possible because of the core I use.Better material for the core will improve substantially.

I bought from F646 20mm dia x 10mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnet. Qty 50 and payed £1.80 per magnet.


rotor weight approx 2Kgs with mags

20cm OD 1.2cm acrylic

Ultra important is to have the magnets spaced equally and the coils too. Failing in this arangement will cause system not to work properly.

I have measured the rotor and it is 20cm, sorry. I had so many changes and I also had a 25cm and a 35 cm rotor in another setup.
Diameter has nothing to do with the results if u space the magnets equally.
Based on previous tests larger diameter = better results.
All other dimensions are 100% correct.

Can you believe that I have ordered 2 of the acrylic rotors to a local company who uses laser cutting and I was expected to get a perfect rotor but... the centre hole is not centered and the spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor was not equal... I went crazy.I paid a lot of money for that operation to be done perfect and their excuse was that I was no very specific that it must be acurrate... what will I expect fron a laser cutting...

The one used now was ordered to another company that makes clock parts but the max thicknes they worked with was 3mm. I have ordered 4 and glued them togheter. The actual rotor u see is made from 4 rotors 3mm thick each.The rotor must be strong and not bend.

I am not at home now to recheck but I know for sure that the rotor was made from 4 0.3mm discs.

During the initial building and testings I have changed the rotor, changed the magnets,... It might be a 1cm + 0.5mm magnets togheter, I remember having that on the rotor at one point

 This generator can be driven by many other circuits or from an external motor connected to the shaft. Don't concentrate too much on the circuit used to drive the coils, that is simple.